Tarot – Level 1 – Zoom 1-2-1

Whole Course – £395

Pay in 7 instalments – £61

This course consists of seven personal 1-hour lessons, which are designed to teach you how to accurately interpret the tarot.

You will be shown how you can quickly grasp the meaning of each suit by learning the ‘Song of the Tarot’.

This intuitive Romany method enhances your ability to remember the attributes of the individual cards in a clear and precise manner.

This course comes with an extensive PDF manual, so no need to take notes during our Skype lessons.

You will need a Rider-Waite tarot deck as this is the most traditional pictorial deck.

Lesson 1 – The suit of Cups and the element of water

Ace to Ten of this suit describes how we feel about our personal lives, emotional relationships, inner feelings as well as revealing our hopes and dreams. As the story of the element of water unfolds, we will understand the traditional meaning of the suit of cups.

You will learn how to recognise how an individual is feeling and their innermost emotions.

You will gain insight into their personal relationships and their emotional state of being enabling you to guide them in times of stress or challenging situations.

You will be able to perceive future relationships, emotional cycles and see potential problems that are about to manifest and offer sensitive advice on how to avoid, heal or handle such situations.

Lesson 2 – The suit of Pentacles and the element of earth

Ace to Ten of Pentacles highlights aspects of our professional life. They can describe your current job, financial situation, and material possessions as well as your attitude towards money and the material world.

This suit gives you valuable insight into a client’s material world – job, profession, monetary status and any job opportunities or financial problems to overcome.

Pentacles bring to light how a client handles their finances. Their energy reveals future professional trends giving a clear and accurate prediction of the past, present and the future regarding their working life and the material world.

Whether you are rich or poor, this suit reveals your inner attitudes about the material world in which you live.

Lesson 3 – The suit of swords and the element of air

Swords were invented by mankind for one reason only – to hurt and maim. Thus, Ace to Ten of swords often reveal our problems – both surface and hidden.

Swords are often seen as an ‘ill omen’ as they tend to bring challenging situations, problems, and confrontations.

However, Swords can teach us how to live a more balanced life by facing our problems with dignity, endurance and strength. Swords teach us how to resolve problems, and create a more balanced future for ourselves and those we love.

Lesson 4 – The suit of Wands and the element of fire

Ace to Ten of Wands can reveal creative potentials and future rewards. Travel and creative opportunities are also expressed by the vibrant element of fire.

Professional problems and confrontations which could lead to an explosive situation are likewise described. Wands bring a dynamic energy into our lives, so that we can transform who we are, and even where we live, as the element of fire gives us the courage and flexibility to move forward embracing each new step with a sense of creativity and valour.

Lesson 5 – The Court cards

Each of the four suits has four court cards; a page, knight, queen and king.

We will examine how these royal figures often manifest as people in our lives; such as a friend, boss, relative, spouse or lover.

Alternatively, the court cards can show us undeveloped aspects within ourselves. For instance, the Queen of Wands may appear in a tarot reading indicating that we will soon meet a warm, imaginative, dynamic and magnetic woman, who is full of life. However, if such a person enters one’s life this is not by chance and portends that the client is about to meet those attributes within.

Lesson 6 – The Major Arcana

There are 22 cards of the Major Arcana that have a major influence and trump the Minor Arcana cards. They generate an energetic power over the entire spread.

The great mystery is how to interpret the power cards. This lessonexplores the essence of each individual card. For millennia, the sacred Trump Cards have been recognized as bestowing life enhancing and life changing influences.

Lesson 7 – Tarot card spreads

The final lesson shows you a traditional Romany spread called the Horseshoe spread.

We will also explore an esoteric way of understanding the cards called Psychic Attunement  that allows you to feel for the meaning of the card. During the course, Maria Wheatley will reveal how you can feel for the psychic meaning of a card by activating brow chakra energy. This method is said to originate from the Mystery School of which Arthur Edward Waite was a leading member.

Some of the cards can have various meanings and this intuitive exercise allows you to receive an impression or the true meaning of the card.

For your certificate, you will need to complete five case study readings.