Past Life Regression – Zoom 1-2-1

Whole Course – £550
Per lesson in 6 instalments – £99
Since 1997 Maria has been teaching Past Life Regression. The course will cover the following subjects:-
- The philosophy of karma and reincarnation.
- Relaxation techniques.
- Hypnotic inductions.
- Talking to the Soul.
- Dealing with painful memories.
- Creating a healing room.
- Creating harmonic healing colours.
- Healing the past.
- Locating past life residue in the physical body.
- Present and past life regression.
- Free-association techniques.
- Learning from dreams.
- Looking forward into time.
Lesson 1 – What is past life regression? The road to regression and what regression can do.
Lesson 2 – Past life regression-integrating the senses. Exploring the right questions that successfully access past life memories.
Lesson 3 – The healing room, dealing with painful or emotional situations and the consultation process.
Lesson 4 – The long induction practice script leading to a childhood memory.
Lesson 5 – The long induction script leading to a past life.
Lesson 6 – Past lives and talking to the soul.
Non-Hypnotic techniques are also explored as well as aura cleansing.
You can access former lives by using relaxation and visualisation techniques or by using free-associating with emotionally charged words. There are certain universal words that transcend cultures and religions, as they are ageless and unchanging. These emotionally charged words stimulate the Spiritual Mind encouraging images or feelings to automatically free-flow. You will explore many roads to regression making you able to regress a person using hypnotic and non-hypnotic methods.