Egyptian Isis Pendulum Dowsing – Level 2 – Zoom Group

Whole Course – £350

Pay in 5 instalments – £80

Working with Isis and the seven sacred chakra oils of Egypt

Level 2 consists of five Zoom classes that are one-hour duration.

Or Skype can be requested.

The esoteric solar colours of Ra blend perfectly with the seven-chakra oils and can be used in what I call an ‘Isis Goddess Healing’ – for both men and women alike.

Each of the ancient oils is associated with a chakra and a god or goddess. For example, the Third Eye corresponds to the Horus and the Heart with Isis.

Working with the pendulum and the oils blends perfectly to give a beautiful clearing and healing treatment that is powerful and unique. Together, the Isis pendulum, and the oils, can shift blockages and obstacles making the way for new energy to bring forth positive changes.

Treatment can be very alchemic and transformative by removing old outgrown energies that cause obstacles, allowing the light of the Sun to merge with your light body, and the oils bring balance.

Oils and the Isis pendulum are not included in the course.

On the course you will learn:

  • The seven-chakra oils and their history
  • The seven gods/goddesses of ancient Egypt associated with the oils
  • How to clear away blockages
  • How to use the oils with the chakras
  • How to use the Isis pendulum in conjunction with the oils

Maria is also available for Isis Healing sessions