Egyptian Isis Pendulum Dowsing – Level 1 – One-day Workshop

Practical one-day course on Egyptian Pendulum Dowsing. Dowsing With A Difference.
Dates to be announced for 2019-2020
Email to book your place and to check availability
Exploring and understanding Egyptian Pendulum Dowsing.
This one-day workshop is for beginners as well as experienced dowsers. This course will take you step by step towards becoming an expert dowser. I was personally taught by Master Dowsers and understand the merits, as well as the pit falls, of Egyptian Energy Pendulum Dowsing, and will share my experience and knowledge with you.

For the course you will need to purchase: the brass or wood Isis 4 or 6 celled pendulum as well as a standard pendulum, which can be made of anything. You will be supplied, with two dowsing aids which you can use during the workshop.
You will learn:
- The history of Egyptian dowsing devices
- How to use the Isis pendulum
- How to use the dowsing aids
- Understand the metaphysical colours of the Sun
- Understand the healing colours of temple spaces
- Create the healing colours of temple spaces
- Colour heal and restore balance to people, water and food stuffs
Introducing Egyptian pendulum dowsing
I will explain the various different forms of Egyptian pendulums: the Isis 4 and 6 cell pendulums, and the Karnak pendulum. We will discover the fascinating history of these energy devices and their origins in ancient Egypt. We will also look at the metaphysical properties of the light spectrum emitted by the Sun and how certain frequencies are mirrored using the Egyptian Isis pendulum.
There are several exercises one must do to prepare oneself for using the Isis pendulum. Egypt was a land of ritual and by applying simple techniques, we can begin to harmonise with the Sun (seen as the great god Ra in Egypt).
We will work with the Isis pendulum, the Colours of the Sun, and how the Isis pendulum can be programmed to synchronize with the energy of the Sun/Earth. Different times of the day emit various different colours and we can maximise our understanding of the Sun’s esoteric energy. We are working with the light of the Sun and we are light bodies, restoring our light bodies to perfect harmony with Isis.
We will do some practical dowsing exercises that allow us to use the dowsing aid and how it can enhance Isis pendulum dowsing.
Creating healing colours with the Egyptian pendulum devices
Sacred sites and temples emit a particular sequence of colours. Using the Isis pendulum device we can work with the colours to create a harmonic healing location, is one of the first step towards using the pendulum, as a healing device. Creating healing colours in a construct or therapy room is aids all forms of healing.
The Isis pendulum can react to programming colour frequencies and we will explore the two-main frequencies of colour emissions, one is vertical, the other is horizontal and in an instant, we will learn to identify such emissions and how to restore balance if the main frequency is injurious.
Colour replacement and energy clearing
You will be shown how to colour dowse and clear the aura. The 12 Gateways of the Soul with the healing energy of Isis.