Druidic Soul Star Astrology – Practical Workshop
Whole Course – £199
Deposit only – £20
Date TBA
Druid Soul Star Astrology – past lives
This workshop will show you how to convert your own astrological chart into a Druid Soul Star Astrology chart that reveals your most significant past lives.
Please give your date, time and place of birth to Maria who will calculate your chart and show you how to access information about your past lives and explore ways to release karma. Also, ways to draw positive and powerful attributes from previous lives.
Example of an astrological chart and a Druid Soul Star chart
Druidic Soul Star astrology is a new and exciting branch of the Celtic astrological tree, which offers a gentle way of accessing information about past lives, without the need for regression.
Some people find the idea of regression too intrusive and shy away from it. Although past life regression therapy can offer direct understanding of past lives, it isn’t for everyone.
Druid Soul Star reveals aspects of yourself normally kept hidden giving an unique opportunity to work with the light of the Soul. It can bring profound understanding of past lives and a deep spiritual awareness. This branch of the astrological tree unites the distant past with the present day.
The Simplicity of Druid Soul Star Astrology Soul Star astrology uses simple astrological principles.
owever, instead of using a traditional astrological chart, which is circular, a six-pointed interlacing star is used. The positions of the planets at the time of birth are placed within the star, which creates a spiritual map revealing the past, present and the future.
Druidic Soul Star transforms your astrological birth chart into a Sacred Six-Pointed Star – the Symbol of the Heart Chakra
Below is not a matching sample
The Soul Star chart The interlacing six-pointed star consists of two triangles. The upward pointing triangle – the Soul Star triangle – connects you to the Cosmos and symbolises the Soul. The downward pointing triangle, the Earth Star triangle, represents the personality and connects you to the Earth plane. Symbolically, when the first breath was drawn the triangles entwined reflecting the divine union of the personality and the Soul.
Celestial Guidance
The planet’s positions within the six-pointed star reveal the imagery of the karma and bring to light karmic rewards, debts, past fears or future aspirations.
Generally, speaking, the planets in the Soul Star triangle reveal your highest values, hidden talents and latent potentials which can be utilized during this lifetime. Giving spiritual guidance this sector offers positive ways of releasing karmic residue and how to develop spiritually.
Planets in the Earth Star triangle represent your personality in this incarnation and show the key karmic factors currently influencing your life. More importantly, the planets are great teachers that give insight into the karmic influences between you and your family, partners and friends.
Places where you have lived before
Druid Soul Star reveals fascinating information about where you lived in previous lives. Countries and cities where you experienced strong past life connections are places where you would experience déjà vu today or feel spiritually drawn to.
Certain planetary positions can describe legendary locations. For example, Neptune describes a past life associated with the lost continent of Atlantis. Plato described the city of Atlantis as having a central shrine dedicated to Poseidon – Neptune.
On a more prosaic level, the planets can explain phobias; Neptune can indicate fear of water and confined spaces invariably due to drowning and imprisonment.
The Soul Star and the Heart Chakra
During my journey to understand Soul Star, I noted that in Eastern Yogi tradition the heart chakra is depicted as a hexagonal star within a circle surrounded by twelve vermilion petals.
The upward pointing triangle of Shiva and consciousness meets the downward pointing triangle of earth and force.
I suggest that the twelve petals can be likened to the twelve signs of the zodiac; each petal representing one celestial lesson. A karmic cycle is complete when the highest virtues pertaining to each sign are attained; although this may take many lives to achieve, it will eventually lead to spiritual freedom and universal life.
The lower chakras, the base, sacral and solar plexus centres bound the individual to their karma. However, the heart chakra is not subordinate to karmic influences. The path to higher consciousness begins at the heart centre and this is why the hexagonal star is used in Soul Star astrology.
Druid Soul Star astrology – a gift from the past
I have worked with Druid Soul Star Astrology for around ten years and have developed and advanced this branch of astrology and past life therapy.
I was ‘given’ the understanding of Druid Soul Star astrology when I was mediating at a sacred site near Stonehenge.
Millennium ago, the wondrous sacred site was once the location of ancient Druidic teachings and I feel it was a Druid Cor (college). The Druids of old did not write anything down and I truly believe this beautiful aspect of their teachings was sadly forgotten and was given to me as a Celtic Gift so that we can understand who we were. At this sacred site, the Moon and Stars can be clearly seen, and I feel this was a centre for teaching Soul Star Astrology.