Dowsing Professionally – Level 1 – Zoom 1-2-1

Whole Course – £320
Pay in instalments – £50
Personal Skype lessons with Maria Wheatley, a Master Dowser and the UKs leading authority on the Geodetic System of Earth Energies, deep water energies and ley lines.
This certificated course contains seven 1-hour lessons and comes with an extensive PDF dowsing manual, so no need to take notes during our Skype lessons.
You will need a pair of L-rods and a pendulum.
Dowsing is not just about finding earth energies or a dowsing target such as underground water. It is a deep and profound relationship with the Earth Mother, Gaia, you and your dowsing rod. Dowsing is interacting with her sacred energies and my approach is to honour Gaia and her energies by befriending them. Earth energies want to connect to us, understand our intent and relate to us and vice-versa.
Maria’s approach to dowsing is unlike other dowsers. ‘Gaia Dowsing’ – as Maria calls it – is the start of a meaningful relationship with Gaia, sacred sites and earth energies anywhere on Earth; even in your own home, a relationship with the earth or underground water can be formed. Maria will share with you her dowsing knowledge and spiritual understanding of earth energies. Reconnecting to Gaia is more important NOW than ever before…
Dowsing has a long history. In 2200 BC, the Emperor of China was a Master Dowser who could find substances and increase the fertility of the land.

Lesson 1 – Introduction to dowsing
We will find out what dowsing is and why anyone can do it! We will experiment with dowsing rods and discuss what causes the dowsing reaction from the ‘sixth’ sense’ to brain wave activity.
Developing mental dowsing skills: ‘frame of mind’ and visualisation
Simple mental principles, such as relaxed concentration, ‘frame of mind’ and visualisation are the key tools of successful dowsing. Students will gain a full understanding and in-depth awareness of the various mental disciplines required for successful dowsing and easy to follow exercises which encourage the discipline to develop.
Developing physical dowsing skills: Rod handling and how to hold a pendulum
Physical dowsing skills are explored so that you can master the key principles of dowsing such as: how to handle the rods and a pendulum correctly. How to check that you are ‘in balance’ before you begin a dowsing session. If you are out of balance, you cannot dowse efficiently resulting in incorrect answers.
Rod programming
How to establish ’yes’ and ‘no’ responses and how to recognise false or trick answers.
Sensing energies
Maria will guide you to dedicate your rods to Gaia and how you can make a deep contact with earth and water energies. Once contact is made you can understand how certain earth and water energies make you feel – how you personally react to their energy field. This will help you to recognise and interpret energies where ever you are.

Lesson 3 – Yin and yang underground water
I was taught that there are two-types of water. One is male and the other is female. Underground yin (female) water is born deep within the Earth and is independent of rainfall and its energetic pattern emits a healing field. Old dowsers called yin water Primary water but did not realise it was Female. It’s harmonic surface pattern manifests as a spiral called a Geospiral.
We will learn how to interact with this water energy and how it affects a particular side of the body, and learn to recognise its geo-signature-how it makes you feel. Discover the power of Yin Water anywhere on Earth.
Yang water – geopathic stress
Rainwater which falls and fills up the underground streams and aquifers emits a distinctive surface pattern and geopathic stress – which is not good to live above long term. We will explore how to locate and interact with this type of water energy.
Goddess Appearances and Undergound Water
Energy Transference
If there is positive earth energy on a property we can transfer the energy to a person to empower or to heal. We can also transfer the positive energy to a chosen area. Maria created and developed this practice which many students find fascinating, healing and rewarding. This will be discussed in your 1-2-1 Skype as it is very important to be able to transfer life enhancing earth energy.
The esoteric centre of a sacred site was determined by a geospiral marking deep yin water

Lesson 3 – Yin and yang underground water
I was taught that there are two-types of water. One is male and the other is female. Underground yin (female) water is born deep within the Earth and is independent of rainfall and its energetic pattern emits a healing field. Old dowsers called yin water Primary water but did not realise it was Female. It’s harmonic surface pattern manifests as a spiral called a Geospiral.
We will learn how to interact with this water energy and how it affects a particular side of the body, and learn to recognise its geo-signature-how it makes you feel. Discover the power of Yin Water anywhere on Earth.
Yang water – geopathic stress
Rainwater which falls and fills up the underground streams and aquifers emits a distinctive surface pattern and geopathic stress – which is not good to live above long term. We will explore how to locate and interact with this type of water energy.
Goddess Appearances and Underground Water
Over the centuries, many stories relate to the fact that the Blessed Virgin Mary has appeared close to where a healing spring would soon come to be, such as Lourdes in France. Maria will share with you her detailed research on goddess manifestations and underground water and springs and show you ways of working with Earth’s flowing waters on a spiritual level,
Akashic Records
Homeopaths correctly inform us that water has memory. This principle can be applied to underground water and there are some great ways to work with the akashic memory of the land.
Energy Transference
If there is positive earth energy on a property we can transfer the energy to a person to empower or to heal. We can also transfer the positive energy to a chosen area. Maria created and developed this practice which many students find fascinating, healing and rewarding. This will be discussed in your 1-2-1 Skype as it is very important to be able to transfer life enhancing earth energy.
The esoteric centre of a sacred site was determined by a geospiral marking deep yin water

Lesson 4 – Global Grid Systems
Healing the home of toxic grid lines – geopathic stress zones
You will learn how to identify, locate and dowse the three major global grid systems that can produce geopathic stress zones and how to live in harmony with Gaia’s linear lines.
You will be able to locate the crossing points of the major grid systems and identify any injurious points with your body, hands and dowsing rod or pendulum.
Interacting with: The Hartmann Grid, The Curry Net and the Benker Grid System.
You will learn how your body responds to the energy lines and the crossing points. This enables you to identify the energy and dowsing will confirm your reaction.
Maria will show you the easiest way to dowse the lines born of 25 years of dowsing experience.
Lesson 5 – Geo-chimneys
All energy lines and patterns can be understood and recognised by their harmonic surface pattern,
learn to identify and interact with powerful earth energies
These are high-energy points which emit a particular pattern that interlaces the Earth. These are Gaia’s breathing points. Evidence from Europe shows that this energy pattern was integrated into large churches, cathedrals and temples. However, they can produce a form of geopathic stress.
Earth Springs or power points
These are active positive locations which have an outpouring of negative ions which are conducive to good health. This is an optional exercise which is covered in the manual.

Lesson 6 – Ley lines and earth energies
We will explore the phenomenon of ley lines and how major leys have entwining yin and yang earth currents. Interacting with these energies can be beneficial to our health and well-being and they are Gaia’s living energies that interlace the planet. You will be shown how to find leys in your locality and how to search for the yin and yang currents. Yin and Yang earth currents have energy fields which we can work with as solar and lunar energies that can be healing and transformative. You will enjoy finding local earth currents, even in your back garden/yard and understand how to sense and work with their energies.
Lesson 7
High-frequency dowsing for energy levels of humans and plants and aura colour readings
We will explore how dowsing can be used to interpret the frequencies of food, people and places. Also, we will explore the art of reading and interpreting the colours of the aura using a pendulum and a colour aid.